

  • 現時許多電子儀器有內置計步功能,你可以透過以下裝置監察每日步數:
  • - 智能電話
    - 智能手錶或計步手環等穿戴式裝置
    - 計步器
  • 監察每日步數可以鼓勵你多步行,並且朝着步數目標而努力


  • 考慮到現有的科學證據、本地、海外和國際間相關指引以及本地人的平均每日步數,成年人可根據自己的身體狀況、步伐和能力,循序漸進,以達致每日步行一萬步。
  • 就算達不到以上目標,多步行總比坐着好。
  1. Hall KS, Hyde ET, Bassett DR, et al. Systematic review of the prospective association of daily step counts with risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, and dysglycemia. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2020; 17:78.
  2. Lee IM, Shiroma EJ, Kamada M, et al. Association of Step Volume and Intensity With All-Cause Mortality in Older Women. JAMA Internal Medicine 2019; 179(8): 1105-1112.
  3. Saint-Maurice PF, Troiano RP, Bassett DR, et al. Association of Daily Step Count and Step Intensity With Mortality Among US Adults. JAMA 2020; 323(12): 1151-1160.
  4. Hansen BH, Dalene KE, Ekelund U, et al. Step by Step: Association of device-measured daily steps with all-cause mortality – A prospective cohort study. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2020; 30: 1705-1711.
  5. Paluch AE, Gabriel KP, Fulton JE, et al. Steps per day and all-cause mortality in middle-aged adults in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study. JAMA Network Open 2021; 4(9): e2124516.
  6. WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020.