About Alcohol Fails


  • Alcohol is a cancer causing agent, a neurotoxin and a psychoactive substance that causes dependence.
  • Alcohol use is a component cause of more than 200 disease and injury conditions, most notably alcohol dependence, mental illness, cancers, liver disease and injuries.
  • Alcohol use accounts for considerable health-care resource use, personal suffering, morbidity, death and other social consequences.
  • Prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm is therefore a public health priority which requires every sector to act and play its part.
  • Together, we build environments that do not pressurize people into drinking so that when they drink, they are mindful of the amount of alcohol used as well as the associated health risks.
  • Reducing alcohol-related harm begins with correct understanding of alcohol and its adverse effects on health and communities.


The “Alcohol Fails” campaign is all about-

  • Providing up-to-date evidence on alcohol-related harm;
  • Raising public awareness of the importance of making informed choices about drinking;
  • Developing personal skills to recognise and slash at-risk drinking patterns; and
  • Fostering partnerships with healthcare professionals, community groups, media, etc to build environments that are supportive of an alcohol-free lifestyle.