Levels of Physical Activity among Children and Adolescents


Proportion of children aged 5-14 who had participated at least 5 days of moderate-intensity physical activity a week outside school hours in the 4 weeks preceding enumeration, 2005-2006

Based on Department of Health's Child Health Survey 2005-2006, 12.3% of local children aged 5-14 (12.7% among males and 11.8% among females) participated ≥5 days of moderate-intensity physical activity a week outside school hours in the 4 weeks before enumeration.
Base: 5 880 community-dwelling children aged 5-14.
Source: Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of children aged 5-14 who had participated at least 3 days of vigorous-intensity physical activity a week outside school hours in the 4 weeks preceding enumeration, 2005-2006

Based on Department of Health's Child Health Survey 2005-2006, 23.6% of local children aged 5-14 (29.0% among males and 17.8% among females) participated ≥3 days of vigorous-intensity physical activity a week outside school hours in the 4 weeks before enumeration.
Base: 5 880 community-dwelling children aged 5-14.
Source: Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of children aged 5-14 who had participated at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity outside school hours a day in the 4 weeks preceding enumeration, 2005-2006

Based on Department of Health's Child Health Survey 2005-2006, 15.3% of local children aged 5-14 (10.0% among those aged 5-9 and 19.4% among those aged 10-14) participated ≥60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity outside school hours a day in the 4 weeks before enumeration.
Base: 5 880 community-dwelling children aged 5-14.
Source: Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of children aged 7-12 who were classified as physically active by accumulation of at least 60 minutes moderate-or-above intensity physical activity every day in a week, 2011-2012

Based on a report by Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2011/12, 8.3% of local children aged 7-12 were classified as physically active by accumulation of at least 60 minutes moderate-or-above intensity physical activity every day in a week.  The corresponding figures for boys and girls were 9.5% and 7.0% respectively.
Base: 2 723 Hong Kong children aged 7-12.
Source: Healthy Exercise for All Campaign - Physical Fitness Test for the Community. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2011-2012.

Proportion of children aged 7-12 who participated in moderate-or-above intensity physical activity at least three days a week with accumulation of 30 minutes or above per day, 2011-2012

Based on a report by Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2011/12, 51.8% of local children aged 7-12 participated in moderate-or-above intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week with accumulation of 30 minutes or above per day.  The corresponding figures for boys and girls were 54.7% and 48.7% respectively.
Base: 2 723 Hong Kong children aged 7-12.
Source: Healthy Exercise for All Campaign - Physical Fitness Test for the Community. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2011-2012.

Proportion of children aged 13-19 who were classified as physically active by accumulation of at least 60 minutes moderate-or-above intensity physical activity every day in a week, of which three days are for vigorous intensity physical exercise

Based on a report by Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2011/12, 8.4% of local adolescents aged 13-19 were classified as physically active by accumulation of at least 60 minutes moderate-or-above intensity physical activity every day in a week, of which 3 days are for vigorous intensity physical exercise. The corresponding figures for males and females were 12.8% and 4.2% respectively.
Base: 2 517 Hong Kong adolescents aged 13-19.
Source: Healthy Exercise for All Campaign - Physical Fitness Test for the Community. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2011-2012.

Proportion of children aged 13-19 who participated in moderate-or-above intensity physical activity at least three days a week with accumulation of 30 minutes or above per day

Based on a report by Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2011/12, 42.3% of local adolescents aged 13-19 participated in moderate-or-above intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week with accumulation of 30 minutes or above per day.  The corresponding figures for males and females were 50.1% and 34.2% respectively.
Base: 2 517 Hong Kong adolescents aged 13-19.
Source: Healthy Exercise for All Campaign - Physical Fitness Test for the Community. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2011-2012.